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Congratulations to Jennifer Lawrence who recently gave birth!  Her and her partner Cooke Maroney new baby, but very little is known at this point, other than the birth being registered with the L.A. county records office.

Lizzo is speaking out about a role that she really wanted, but didn’t get.  She had auditioned for the role of Ursula in the live action version of The Little Mermaid.  The role ended up going to Melissa McCarthy, but Lizzo say’s that’s okay, because she’s still ‘fine as hell.’  Gotta love Lizzo’s positivity!

Here’s a positive story from the pandemic, Ben Still and his ex wife Christine Taylor have rekindled their romance and are back together after splitting 5 years ago.  The two had been married for 17 years before separating.  Apparently when the pandemic started they agreed that it would be a good idea for Ben to move back in so that he could see and spend time with their two kids, aged 16 and 19.  Well over the course of the last two years things evolved and how they’re back together, saying it’s an unexpected, wonderful thing.

Priyanka Chopra has spoken out about the incident from yesterday’s news wherein Rosie O’Donnell didn’t know her name, and thought that Deepak Chopra was her father.  In a tiktok video Rosie referred to her as the ‘Someone Chopra’ and ‘the Chopra wife’.  She later released a 2nd TikTok, apologizing again, this time acknowledging Priyanka’s name, and the fact that many see her as an even bigger star than her husband Nick Jonas.  Priyanka has now spoken out about the incident, saying “If you want to make a public apology for a very awkward private encounter, I think probably best to take the time to google my name before doing it or even try to reach out directly,” and  “We ALL deserve to be respected for our unique individuality and not be referred to as ‘someone’ or ‘wife’ especially in a sincere apology,” Chopra wrote. “Also PS — As I’ve said before, not all Chopra’s are related to the great Deepak, just as not all Smith’s are related to the legendary Will Smith.”

Here’s Rosie’s TikTok videos…


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