Neil and Leah chatted about their favourite colour as a kid this morning have a listen.
I think most girls would answer the same as me, that pink was their favourite colour as a kid. To this day it still is pink. However I also had another favourite colour which technically isn’t a colour but whatever, it is black. I don’t know many kids especially girls that loved black but hey I like to be different. I always tried to wear clothes and hair elastics that were either pink or black. Today though I guess I have more black clothing than pink but I do like to rock a pink lipstick.
My favourite colour as a child/kid/pre-teen was always Blue. Not light blue but more towards a darker shade of blue. The one that matched my favourite sports teams. It was appropriate that they wore blue, because that’s how you felt most time after watching them! Later in my teen years and angst and rebellion stepped in, Black was my colour for many years. Blacked worked because it went with the colour of my soul at the time. (Leah – ;-)) But everything I liked as a kid, and now, is a deeper shard of blue.