An arrest was made today in the death of a 13 year old girl who was murdered in a Burnaby back in July of 2017. After some 600 interviews, and a list of names whittled down form 2,000, police have arrested a 28 year old Syrian refugees with permanent status here in Canada. My heart sank. The fact that the police were able to find a needle in a haystack speaks wonders for the good people of police services. We will truly never really know just how much work went into this investigation. The Chen family are thankful. We should be thankful too. To know that there are people out there who are willing to work tirelessly to find a suspect and give the victims friends and family some peace. I mentioned my heart sank. Don’t get me wrong, in no way do I feel anything but relief knowing justice could be eventually served if this is the killer, what has me is the racist comments that are going to bombard media comment sections and our social media feeds if it hasn’t started already. Idiotic comments like, ‘Deport him’, ’Told you so’, ’This is why we don’t want immigrants coming to this country.’, and the usual anti-Trudeau and anti-government rhetoric. The fact that the he’s a refugee from Syria or anywhere else has nothing to do with the murder. Murder is simply that, Murder…