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It’s unfortunate that there are people of a certain generation who really are falling further and further behind with the modern world.

Case in point what happened in Montreal.

Jagmeet Singh was shaking hands with a man who leaned into him…

In case you didn’t hear what the man whispered in his ear he said, ‘Why don’t you cut off that Turban and look more like a Canadian.”

Disappointing yes.



I am the by-product of a father who was first generation Canadian (parents from Northern Ireland) and a mother who was born in Wales and raised in England before immigrating to Canada in the 1950’s.

This kind of racism is not new to me.

My parents always referred to people of a different skin colour or religion as, ‘those people’, or, ‘foreigners’. On multiple occasions I would remind my mother that she too is a, ‘foreigner.’ as she wasn’t born here.

We are both wrong.

(Let’s let that go for now)

But what that man from Quebec said to the leader of the NDP today wasn’t only racist, it was embarrassing.

It was embarrassing in the sense that even though we have come so far in understanding we are all the same people no matter where we’re from or what colour are skin or what religion we choose to follow…

(should we choose)

That’s my truth.

We accept that people from ‘that generation’ are the way they are because, ‘that just the way it was and we can’t change them now.’

Well, that’s not just the way it is or was at all.

It was wrong then, and it’s wrong now.

And it’s unacceptable.

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